Friday, June 19, 2009


Thanks God for

Christians new job

My growing vegetable garden

For my hours being cut at work (more time to do home stuff and creative stuff)

For the house you have provided

For my family that now lives closer

For life's adventures good and bad


  1. Amen sistas!! :)
    It's so nice to sit and reflect of all the things provided for us that are so undeserved. Makes you realize the grace and mercy that God has for us even when we choose not to listen and follow his leading sometimes. Very humbling! :)
    glad you started a blog...i love reading them too, so keep it up!!
    P.S. I also loved the one about the mini-horses...and i want to find out what hospitals they visit so I can make sure I go there when i need a procedure. :)

  2. awesome! i love it!
    this is so super great-- thanks for taking the time to share linds... you bless me!
