Sunday, September 12, 2010

a NEW season

A new season. A new beginning. That is where I find myself on this Sunday afternoon. My last day at work was this past Friday and it was bitter sweet. I am completely excited about this new season in my life that just began but leaving the previous season was harder than I ever thought it would be. I feel like I need time to reflect and get away by myself. To let life sink in.

I have had some time to do this in the past few days. It feels good and I plan on doing more of it tomorrow.I am thinking about going hiking or finding a spot outside to sit and bring my journal along (I am not a journal-er but it sounds like the right thing to do) and maybe my camera too. The possibilities feel endless. Well sort of.... :)

I haven't much time to post new items that I have made so I posted 2 today. I also have a few more to post but those can wait for another time. I have a few items in my store that need some extra lovin so I will be taking new photos of them soon. I also took out all the non-leather items out of my store. Because-A-they aren't selling and B-I want my store to be All leather. Simple enough right?

I am participating in my first craft show October 8th at Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood,TN. If you happen to be in the area come say hello. All those non leather items will make an appearance there with a pretty good mark down.

Well-I need some lunch so I am off.


  1. Yay! Your first craft show! keep us posted.

  2. Hey, this is Sarah from Flowers That Rock. Guess what? I'm going to be at the Fellowship French Market too! My sister in law's family goes to that church. I also know another girl besides you who will be there. I'm looking forward to it.

    Great blog btw. I still want to catch up with you sometime, I'm still feeling a little under the weather, I hope I kick this cold soon!
