Wednesday, July 27, 2011

20% OFF!

Hello friends,
I am doing something I haven't done before and that is giving a 20% off discount code for my Etsy shop fara.daisy.jean!

Type in "summertime" when checking out.

Just to say thank you and also to make room for some newer things.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Tubing the Elk

Last Friday I went tubing on the Elk river with two friends. I really enjoyed it. It lasted a bit longer than we expected (4.5hrs!) but was a great experience. The water was FREEZING! I am not sure how it was possible with the upper 90 degree weather we have been having but it was. It was like dipping your tush in a glass of ice water.No joke! It was so warm outside though that it wasn't so bad. I really loved being out in the sun. It was great!
PS. sorry the picture is a bit fuzzy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I had such a great time with friends last night. We all went to Arrington Vineyards and each brought along an appetizer to share. They offer free wine tasting up to 8 wines. I am not much of a drinker and have no clue when it comes to wines. It was sort of a good lesson and experience to get to taste so many types. My favorite were the dessert wines-Blackberry and Raspberry wine. Mmmm..tastes more like juice but that is the way I prefer it I suppose. Haha...

Here are a few pictures from the evening.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Re Do

 A few months back I bought a few canvases and painted them. I liked them ok but didn't love them. Not wanting to buy another canvas I figured I would paint over one of them and start from scratch. This is what I came up with in a rare moment of craftiness.

 I don't know much about using acrylic paints. Do you? I don't like the finish they give off when all is done. It always looks really flat and cheap. Maybe it's just my painting skills but is there a way to give it a more polished look? I don't know if this makes sense. Someone help me!